Following wide engagement with residents, communities and businesses across the city, Galway Cycling Campaign has made a 20 page submission of specific suggestions to #ChangeOurStreets to improve mobility in Galway City during coronavirus.
Kevin Jennings, chairperson of Galway Cycling Campaign, said: “We received over 100 suggestions from people who live, work, study and trade in our city. We have reviewed, collated, filtered and reduced these to 60+ suggestions that could be quickly and cheaply implemented as per our city’s Roadmap and Framework mobility plans for Covid-19.”
Download here the Specific Suggestions to the City Mobility Team, submitted on Thursday 21 May 2020.
1 submission. 20 pages. 60+ suggestions.
The submission includes the idea that city centre streets be opened up to people walking and cycling through ‘Share With Care’ zones.
There are also ideas to tweak and complement the Galway Transport Strategy (2016) Primary Cycle and Greenway Network.
Regarding road design and layout, there are suggestions to improve stacking lanes, roundabouts, traffic signal management, and traffic calming.
Galway Cycling Campaign and our #ChangeOurStreets supporters look forward to liaising closely with the City Mobility Team.
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