As part of UN World Bicycle Day, Galway Cycling Campaign will attend a special webinar on the topic of cycling for a safe Covid-19 recovery and beyond. We have sent an invitation to this event to members of the Galway’s City Mobility Team, all Galway TDs, and to all city and county councillors – and the public are also welcome to join.

A special webinar will take place tomorrow, Wednesday 3 June, to celebrate World Cycling Day and bring together. Rethinking Mobility: Cycling for a safe COVID-19 Recovery and beyond is organised by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF).
The event will present recommendations and discuss with leading decision-makers and cycling advocates how we can take advantage of the current crisis to rethink our urban mobility systems and redesign cities for good.
The guest speakers are significant urban mobility specialists within Europe:
- Karima Delli, MEP, Chair of Transport and Tourism Committee, European Parliament
- Christophe Najdovski, Deputy Mayor for Transport and Public Space, City of Paris, and ECF President
- Miguel Gaspar, Deputy Mayor for Mobility and Safety, City of Lisbon, Portugal
- Saskia Kluit, Member of Dutch Senate and Director, Fietserbond, The Netherlands
- Will Haynes, Infrastructure Director, Sustrans, United Kingdom

The webinar ‘Rethinking Mobility: Cycling for a safe COVID-19 Recovery and beyond’ will take place on Wednesday 3 June 2020 for 90 minutes duration between 1pm and 2.30pm [14:00 – 15:30 CEST].
All are welcome to join. The event is highly recommended by the Galway Cycling Campaign.
Register here at the website of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF).
Galway Cycling Campaign is a member of the ECF through – the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network.

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