Venue: IT204 in the IT Building NUIG, Galway
Present: Shane, Stan, Oisin, Simon
Apologies: Kristin, Cormac
1. Small Crane Consultation
2. Headford Road framework plan
3. Query from NRA re Bike Paths on the N6
4. Cork Cyclist Death/Peter Bradley Foundation intervention
5. Doughiska Road
6. Galway Educate Together – Bike Parking Query
7. Chamber of Commerce Initiative
8. Irish Rail Bike Carriage Removal
9. National policy paper.
10. Name and structure of national group
11. National Group Co-coordinator funding application
12. Oisin on TV
13. Prom Truck Ban
14. AOB
1. Small Crane Consultation
Four separate submissions sent in regarding the Small Crane by GCC members. Simon noted that “Traffic Measuring System” put in place in the small crane to measure traffic volumes? Why? After the plans have been drawn up?
In the local media; Galway Bay FM, Galway Advertiser, Galway Voice had pieces regarding the local opposition to the plan.
2. Headford Road framework plan
Cormac had meeting with One of the Engineering Groups involved in the Framework to review their plans for cyclists. Met John Colleran of Tobin Engineers. No detailed information as Cormac not in attendance. Meeting lasted an hour and a half. Shane sent email around regarding this framework plan as he had attended the Council SPC Transportation meeting where this was launched also he attended the Menlo Meeting for the public (but full plans were not released at this meeting).
3. Query from NRA re Bike Paths on the N6
Lucy Curtis wants to meet us to discuss Bike Paths on the N6.
30th of April is date penciled in for this meeting. Wait and see – no concrete date is set.
4. Cork Cyclist Death
Shane created Press release to counter the unfortunate Peter Bradley Foundation press release. Either Simon or Shane will release/publish.
5. Doughiska Road
Shane getting some legal advice on this.
6. Galway Educate Together – Bike Parking Query
Kristin is meeting the Galway Educate Together( on the 21st of April. They require advice on Bike Parking.
7. Chamber of Commerce Initiative
Galway Cycling Campaign have been invited to attend the Galway Chamber of Commerce transportation forum. More information to follow in emails from Simon who is the contact on this initiative.
8. Irish Rail Bike Carriage Removal
Shane had 30secs on Keith’s Morning Radio Show on Galway Bay FM regarding the reduced capacity on the New Inter City Trains for Bikes.
Also piece in the Galway Voice regarding this. Sources used was GCC and Ireland West Tourism.
9. National policy paper.
This document has been created by the Campaign Groups across the country. Still not released yet. Will have separate GCC meeting on this to Iron Out and Edit. Simon, Shane and Stan are leading this project within the GCC and further email will be sent out with Time and Venue for this
10. Name and structure of national group
Idea’s for a National Group name. Once again this will be discussed at the separate meeting and within email for idea’s re structure, name and website.
11. National Group Co-coordinator funding application
Jame’s Nicks from the Limerick Cycling Campaign and Shane have applied for funding from the “Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Fund” for 40k for 2 Years. This funding will help in setting up the National Group.
12. Oisin on TV
Oisin was on “Pobal” – email was sent out with link to the Website.
Piece was filmed on the Western Distributor Road with Micheal
Ó Domhnaill(presenter) for the Galway Cycling Campaign.
Had a 3/4 minute slot on Pobal Sunday 6th of April at
17h25 on RTE One television.
Basically brought up dangers of Roundabouts, Slower Traffic Limits in
the City, certain Cycle Lanes/Paths in the city being waste of Money
+ that money would be better spent on more Bike parking and that cycle lanes had a place like at traffic lights in the City Center.
13. Prom Truck Ban
Press release issued by Simon. Oisin, Stan, Shane and Simon drafted release.
Release will be published on GCC Website shortly
14 AOB
April the 26th Shane and Mike(from DCC) are going up to Belfast to meet with Cycle Northern Ireland.
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