Here’s our submission on the Martin Roundabout (Galway Clinic Roundabout) Upgrade Statutory Public Consultation which took place in Summer 2019. This project has been funded by the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund – over €2m. of tax-payer’s money, so we want to be sure it achieves its stated goals of “provision of public transport priority measures, provision of cycling facilities and associated pedestrian enhancements and traffic calming measures.“
In short, while removal of the roundabout was a positive step, given the nature of the motor traffic volume and speed at this location, the initial proposals need to be improved quite a lot to make this a cycling and walking friendly junction. There is also huge potential to provide and link with cycling and walking facilities in the periphery of the junction as part of these works, but this seems to have been overlooked.
We’re awaiting the details of the next design stage and will hope to input on further designs details as they emerge.
Martin Roundabout Upgrade
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